Original production records |
Original production records of Contina AG.
This page shows the estimated annual production and serial number ranges between 1947 and 1971.
Type | Quantity | Initial S/N | Final S/N | Initial Year | Final Year | |
1 | 79527 | 901 | 80427 | 1947 | 1970 | |
2 | 61660 | 500001 | 561660 | 1953 | 1971 | |
1a | 50? | 100001 | 100050? | ? | ? |
Total production Type 1 + Type 2: 141187 examples.
Original records:
Cover | Type 1 | Type 2 |
Please note: There is a transcription mistake on the Type 1 sheet for the year 1969. The correct initial serial number is 73581, not 72581.
Graphics of production, all in the same scale:
Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 1 & 2 |
You can enter your Curta's serial number here to get the month and year of manufacture.
Public domain | Source: curta.li